Methamorphic rocks handouts pdf

Sep 18, 2019 metamorphic rocks are the third great class of rocks. Metamorphic rock definition of metamorphic rock by the. Also, the chapters introduction and grade have undergone several major changes. View lab report g2401 lab 1 handout from geol 1101 at texas tech university. Distribute copies of the attached metamorphic rocks activities handout.

The process by which metamorphic rocks are produced is called metamorphism. What is the relationship between rock temperature and depth beneath the. Lecture notes petrology earth, atmospheric, and planetary. Sedimentary or igneous rock altered by great heat or pressure, e. Tiny rocks as small as grains of salt are called boulders. All chapters of part ii of the book have been rewritten. Here, the lighter brown rocks in the upper part of the cliff are calcareous schists formed from impure limestones, and the dark rocks below are mainly metamorphosed. The four main agents that metamorphose rocks are heat, pressure, fluids, and strain. Examples of metamorphic rocks include gneiss, slate, marble, schist, and quartzite. Usually these melts are felsic with the mafic material remaining metamorphic. Igneous and metamorphic rocks need exotic conditions to form. Depending on the location, metamorphism can occur on a local or regional scale.

Jul 31, 2019 rocks and stones are hard solids of natural origin and made of minerals. The chart below summarizes the parent rock, setting, and grade of common metamorphic rocks. Depending on the way a rock has formed it will belong to one of these groups. They are specimens of rocks that have undergone changes while remaining solid and deep within the earths crust. The rocks provide clues to their transformation into a metamorphic rocks. Rocks and stones are hard solids of natural origin and made of minerals. For example, if slate is exposed to higher temperature and pressure, it will become a rock called schist.

Metamorphic rocks supplement geol 1010 changes that occur. Composition and texture, therefore, are used as criteria for classifying metamorphic rocks see figure 6. Remove the metamorphic crayon from the foil packet, and break the crayon rock into. This lab is a simple identification lab which can be used with any 6 or less metamorphic rocks listed on the esrt that teachers have in stock. Describing metamorphic rocks worksheet students will learn how metamorphic rocks form and get handson practice at telling if a metamorphic rock is foliated or nonfoliated. This new edition of petrogenesis of metamorphic rocks has several completely revised chapters and all chapters have updated references and redrawn.

Since new minerals are created during metamorphism, the end product metamorphic. Barriers to college students learning how rocks form eric. Metamorphic rocks metamorphic rocks are rocks from sedimentary and igneous origin that have been changed through high pressures and temperatures during orogenesis mountain building or during igneous intrusion contact metamorphism metamorphic rocks cont. Types of rocks and their properties pdf download geography the earths crust is composed of rocks. Lecture notes metamorphism introduction metamorphism is a change of form that includes the growth of new minerals, typically in response to a rise in temperature and normally without the involvement of a magma.

Others may be soft in the ground, but they harden once they spend time in the air. Oct 29, 20 metamorphism methamorphic rocks are geologically classified as one of the major group of rocks which have been formed out of metamorphism of preexisting igneous and sedimentary rocks. G2401 lab 1 handout 1 lab 1 handout igneous and metamorphic. Igneous rocks with a finegrained texture grains generally tiny or too small to see are volcanic in origin. The x axis is temperature in celsius and the y axis is kilometers below the surface.

This rocks, rocks, rocks lesson plan is suitable for 6th 8th grade. Including explanation of contact and regional metamorphism and the conditions in which they commonly form. Metamorphic rocks are best identified when looking at the rock as you see them in nature. Magma is molten rock, but is not just liquid also contains bits of.

Every metamorphic rock has a parent rock protolith. The rock mass does not normally disaggregate and lose coherence entirely. Recrystallization produces a rock that has fewer larger crystals than the preexisting rock. This 3page worksheet is to be used for notes and a handson activity. Study 62 terms the rock cycle and methamorphic rocks. Igneous rocks with a coarsegrained texture generally, all or almost all grains at least sandsized, over 1 mm in diameter are going to be plutonic in origin having crystallized slowly, underground. Be sure you have an application to open this file type before downloading. Such features include folds, nappes, and faults with a wide variety of geometries. If the temperature of metamorphism is high enough for partial melting of the rock to occur, the changes would still be called metamorphism until the melt is separated from its.

Deposits of dead plants and animals are also called sediments. Throughout this lesson, students will explain the formation of metamorphic rocks as a result of. Ii origin, texture, and classification of metamorphic rocks teklewold ayalew encyclopedia of life support systems eolss essentially in the solid state. Petrogenesis of metamorphic rocks raregeologybookss blog. Teaching students about the rock cycle creates a firm basis for geology.

Metamorphic pt phase diagrams click on an image or the link in the caption, and a pdf file of the diagram will download to your computer. After all, most rocks have been around for millions of years. Rocks and minerals unit big rocks are called pebbles. All the rocks in the world are made up of chemicals called minerals. Texture in metamorphic rocks individual minerals may or may not be bounded by crystal faces. Follows this introductory reference table lab attached below.

If the temperature of metamorphism is high enough for partial melting of the rock to occur, the. Metamorphic rocks are the third great class of rocks. Metamorphic rocks virginia department of education. This series of activities is geared towards metamorphic rocks, which are created when a rock is exposed. Introduction, history of the earth and geological time, notes1. Each of these will be discussed in turn, then we will summarize how metamorphic rocks are classified. Igneous rocks form when rocks are heated to the melting point which forms magma. Matthew nyman, terc and lenni armstrong, informmotion. Economic uses metamorphic rocks are very hard and can be used in the construction industry. Exposure to these extreme conditions has altered the mineralogy, texture, and chemical composition of the rocks.

Knowledge of metamorphic processes and rocks is valuable, because metamorphic minerals and rocks have economic value. Some common rocks can be scratched with your fingernails such as shale, soapstone, gypsum rock, and peat. Recrystallization preexisting minerals grow larger. Instruct students to examine the specimens and complete questions 1 through 6 on the worksheet. Rocks and minerals the ground we walk on, build on, and grow gardens on is made of rock. Metamorphic rocks pictures of foliated and nonfoliated types.

Metamorphism methamorphic rocks are geologically classified as one of the major group of rocks which have been formed out of metamorphism of preexisting igneous and sedimentary rocks. The heat and pressure can change the composition and appearance of the minerals in rocks. How far beneath the surface does shale begin to metamorphose to slate. On the basis of mode of formation the rocks are divided into three categories. The primary textural attributes in metamorphic rocks are the presence or absence of foliation and mineral grain size.

This quiz will help you judge how well you understand the key characteristics of metamorphic rocks with questions about its creation and examples of this. Origin, texture, and classification of metamorphic rocks. Metamorphic rocks use visuals figure 14 ask students to describe the rocks. Mathscience nucleus 2001 1 metamorphic rocks teacher guide including lesson plans, student readers, and more information lesson 1 formation of metamorphic rocks lesson 2 metamorphic rock classification chart lesson 3 metamorphic rocks lab lesson 4 the many facies of metamorphic rocks lesson 5 michelangelo and marble designed to be used as an electronic textbook. For example, slate and marble are building materials, garnets are used as gemstones. They occur when sedimentary and igneous rocks become changed, or metamorphosed, by conditions underground. Igneous metamorphic and sedimentary rocks worksheets. Formation of metamorphic rocks, tectonic plate movements, physical and chemical change, heat and extreme pressure. Some of the pdf files are animations they contain more than one page that can be shown in sequence to see changes as temperature or some other variable changes. Normally a geothermal gradient increases in temperature with depth at about 30c per kilometer.

However, metamorphic rocks can form from metamorphic parent rocks as well. Feb 17, 2016 the banded rocks in the cliffs beyond the mountain hut were originally lavas and sediments formed in the sea. This can occur on sedimentary rock, igneous rock or another older metamorphic rock. Teams work together to identify physical properties of rocks in order to determine the properties that would best suit their cavern shelter design. Learn vocabulary, terms, and more with flashcards, games, and other study tools. Metamorphic rocks are usually highly deformed because they have been subjected to high temperature and pressure. Sep 2, 20 for the past couple of weeks, the kiddos have been learning about the different rock types. Some of the worksheets for this concept are rocks and minerals, reading comprehension work and kids fable, name types of rocks, igneous rocks, metamorphic rocks, rocks and minerals, rock work, chapter 2 alaskas igneous rocks. Nonfoliated metamorphic rocks nonfoliated rocks lack a planar fabric. The word metamorphic from greek means of changing form.

Limestone cac03 marble cyystnls grow larger mantle rock peridotite sevpentinite metamor hic settin parent rock grade. Sedimentary, igneous, and metamorphic here are some of the handson activities we completed while learning about their differences. All of the activities below come from aims earth rocks. Metamorphic rocks in nature shale to slate metamorphism deformation of sedimentary rocks metamorphic rocks record how temperature and pressure affected an area when it was forming. But even a small rock you find in your yard is pretty amazing. Rocks are formed on earth as igneous, sedimentary, or metamorphic rocks. Sedimentary rocks are formed from the cementing together of sediments, or from the compaction squeezing together of sediments, or from the recrystallization of new mineral grains which are larger than the. Metamorphic rocks are often intimately related to largescale kilometres of tens of kilometres structural features of earth.

Metamorphism is the change in the form of crustal rocks exposed to heat, pressure, hydrothermal fluids, or a combination of these agents in the absence of melting. The primary textural attributes in metamorphic rocks are the presence or. Metamorphic rock is the result of the transformation of a preexisting rock type in a process called metamorphism, which means change in form. Rocks that form from the cooling of magma below the earths crust or lava are called igneous rocks. On figure 2 of the student handout, the arrow from sedimentary rock can be labeled metamorphism, heat and pressure that transforms the rock. Deep drilling in the stable platform shows that the bulk of the continental crust is also made up of metamorphic rocks. Metamorphic rocks make up a large part of the continental crust. Displaying top 8 worksheets found for igneous metamorphic and sedimentary rocks. Rocks and minerals unit the science zonewhere everyones. Metamorphic rock metamorphic rock structural features. Display the handout on the smartboard and model how to investigate a. Therefore, the beryl crystals in proximal metamorphic rocks prompted the present. Gcse geography revision section covering metamorphic rocks. Explain the difference between foliated and nonfoliated metamorphic rocks.

Rocks, rocks, rocks lesson plan for 6th 8th grade lesson. The term orthometamorphic and parametamorphic rocks are applied to those rocks which have originated from igneous and sedimentary rocks, respectively. Classification of metamorphic rocks is based on mineral assemblage, texture, protolith, and bulk chemical composition of the rock. Metamorphic rock definition of metamorphic rock by the free. Classification of metamorphic rocks depends on what is visible in the rock and its degree of metamorphism. Agents of metamorphism heat pressure chemical activity heat is the most important agent of metamorphism. Metamorphic rock is produced from igneous rock rock formed from the cooling and hardening of magma, sedimentary rock rock formed from compressed and solidified layers of organic or inorganic matter, or existing. It includes a section for notes, a data collection c. Rocks undergoing metamorphism will experience changes in both composition and texture. Start studying the rock cycle and methamorphic rocks. Read the information below carefully and answer the questions that follow on the back side of this paper. Metamorphic rock is rock that has changed from one type of rock into another. The foliation is usually perpendicular to the direction of the applied stress.

Metasomatism is described as a process by which metamorphic rocks may gradually change into granite igneous rock. Metamorphic rocks have been modified by heat, pressure, and chemical processes, usually while buried deep below earths surface. They are also used for rip rap in coastal defence schemes. Note that classification is generally loose and practical such that names can be adapted to describe the rock in the most satisfactory way that conveys the important characteristics. These agents can act and interact in an almost infinite variety of ways. Types of rocks and their properties pdf download geography. If the schist is exposed to even higher temperature and pressure, it will become gneiss a different kind of gneiss than the granitic gneiss because slate is its. The banded rocks in the cliffs beyond the mountain hut were originally lavas and sediments formed in the sea.

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